Mike Ray - Senior Vice President, Professional Solutions

Mike Ray is responsible for the development and growth of a professional services division across the RES national network. He specializes in helping clients navigate and address the complexities of business growth in the challenging market of professional labor, including areas such as Engineering, IT, and Supply Chain.
In his personal life, Mike is married with three children and is an avid boater. Whenever possible, he enjoys spending time aboard their boat along the coast. Mike is a retired USAF Officer, having served for over 30 years, and has lived in various places throughout his military career. However, his heart is set on North Carolina, particularly the coastal region, where he hopes to settle permanently.
Mike values the supportive and collaborative atmosphere at RES, and he follows the motto "one team, one fight!" This collective mindset makes it enjoyable for him to build teams and work towards shared goals within the organization.
Regarding his life journey, Mike sees it as a series of diverse and unexpected roles, always seeking personal and professional growth with each move. He humorously envisions his biography titled "Blind squirrels do find acorns!" and playfully suggests George Clooney to portray him in a potential movie adaptation.
Our Successful Placements
Industries We Serve
RES is committed to recruiting top talent to help companies bolster their organization with a resilient and adaptable workforce today and for the future. We deliver advanced, customized staffing strategies with temp-to-hire, direct hire, contract staffing, and project-based placements across a number of industry verticals. RES connects you with the employment resources you need to be competitive.
Dedicated To Your Success
Our staffing solutions experts are organized into teams dedicated to your specific industry. Our teams cultivate a comprehensive understanding of market trends, industry best practices, unique staffing challenges, and key skills and assets required within your vertical. We are focused on people, dependability, and service. We are dedicated to your success. Meet Team RES.
Meeting You Where You Are
RES has concentrated “clusters” of business throughout the US. Our commitment to understanding the unique staffing challenges and the skills and experience required in each market and across each vertical gives Resource Employment Solutions the insight to connect qualified talent and quality employers in these territories. This is the RES Edge.
Connecting Top Employers And Top Talent
Sustainable, productive, and adaptable workforces are catalyzed when employers and talent connect across a spectrum of compatibility. Resource Employment Solutions prioritizes this compatibility to match the nation’s top employers, small and large, with the best people to get the job done. Find your employment solution with RES today.